Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is waiting for the Cabinet’s approval concerning institutionalisation of the Local Government Common Framework (LGCF) in the Dzongkhags and Thromdes.
LGCF is expected to address the problem of a lack of uniformity in structure, staffing and reporting, said RCSC’s Chairperson Dasho Karma Tshiteem, which is required to provide a clear, uniform, transparent, and standard approach to service delivery in the dzongkhags and Thromdes.
The initiative is also expected to standardise the organogram in the dzongkhags and thromdes, which is missing at present.
The proposal was in September 2016.
Dasho Karma Tshiteem, said this is the outcome of the OD exercise conducted by the RCSC. He said the framework would entail introduction of five different components in the Local Government (LG).
They are – set of five operational strategies, structure for LGs (Dzongkhag and Thromde), reporting and accountability system, performance management system, and protocols for altering LG structures.
“The Economic Development Sector (EDS) and Human Settlement Sector are the two new sectors created in the revised Structure for Dzongkhags,” Dasho Karma Tshiteem said. “Having an independent EDS with dedicated economic development officer will play a critical role in bringing about an economic development and employment creation orientation to the Dzongkhags.”
He added that this unit would also involve, support and monitor initiatives such as the Private Sector lending (PSL).
PSL provides loan schemes for the cottage and small industries (CSI) sector, which is divided into agricultural and non-agricultural activities. A client can borrow up to Nu 10 million depending on the types of investments.
Dasho Karma Tshiteem said that this re-organisation would allow the dzongkhags to deliver mandates beyond the current focus on social services and law and order. “This would support the greater decentralisation efforts that are underway.”
He said the LGCF recommendation was initially submitted to the Cabinet for approval on June 8 2015, however, the Cabinet conveyed approval for implementation of one of the five components, set of five operational strategies of the LGCF.
“The Cabinet had directed the RCSC and relevant agencies to work together and provide more clarity with regard to the other four components. Following the directives, the works and human settlement ministry with the home and cultural affairs ministry sorted out issues that could arise from the alteration of the organogram of thromdes and dzongkhags,” said Dasho Karma Tshiteem.
Subsequently, having incorporated the comments of the two ministries, the RCSC submitted it to Cabinet for approval in September 2016, which the commission is still awaiting for the approval.
Yangchen C Rinzin