The Commission reviewed rules and regulations on the probation period
Lhakpa Quendren
With the review of rules and regulations on the probation period, the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) has decided to not regularise the service of probationers whose performance leaves a lot to be desired.
The Commission introduced biannual – July and December – assessments of the probationers and developed criteria for assessment and procedure for separating non-performers.
The Commission’s April notification stated that the move is to identify the potential in the candidates and further develop them while working on their weak areas.
This is also aimed at bringing the best in probationers and strengthening the accountability system by delineating and clarifying the agency’s responsibility and the probationer’s responsibility.
During the probation period, respective agencies are required to assign a mentor and supervisor to probationers for proper induction into civil service.
This is expected to ensure that a one-year probation period is used to groom civil servants to make them work-ready from personal conduct, attitude, values, and professional perspectives.
However, if the efforts of management and the individual fail to groom the probationer to a satisfactory standard, the agency can choose not to regularise the service of the probationer.
RCSC has set up expectations and standards for performance, conduct, attendance, and punctuality and amended rules and regulations of the probation period in Bhutan Civil Service Rules and Regulations 2018.
The head of the agency should ensure that the probationer is engaged on probation and that processes are in place to assess the suitability of the probationer to perform the duties reflected in the human resource manual.
Upon the completion of the probationary period, the supervisor or mentor should submit a confidential report with recommendations to the human resource committee, following which it will issue an office order to either regularise or reject the probationer’s service.
The unsuccessful probationers will not be entitled to any separation benefit and are liable to refund the study obligation if applicable.
A probationer may be dismissed during the probation period without the right of appeal. However, one month’s notice will be provided.
If the employee is found to be non-performing within one year of service, the accountability will be fixed and traced back to the management responsible for regularisation.
The probation period is not considered part of active service for the purpose of promotion and long-term study leave.