The works and human settlement ministry also launched an info system on water and sanitation
Connectivity: To help travellers avoid getting stranded or caught up in long queues at roadblocks, the Department of Roads (DoR) launched a road conditions information system that is available on both its website and as a mobile application.
“From the apps, a user can choose the starting point and the destination from the given list to check if there are road blocks on the selected route,” states a press release.
Realtime road information will be available on a web based information system available on the ministry’s website ( and a mobile app called DOR. However, the mobile app is currently available only for android devices.
DoR design division chief engineer, Lungten Jamtsho said the department is working on making the app available for Apples phones. “For the iOS system, the facility will be made available in another one month’s time,” Lungten Jamtsho said.
By clicking the road conditions information system link on the ministry’s website, the user will be presented with a road network map with options such as critical points, roadblocks, widening works, farm roads, and towns, among others. Users will also be able to locate DoR regional offices across the country.
If a user requires information on blocks on a road prior to travel, detailed information like date of occurrence, the likely time it will take to open the road, and the mobile number o the contact person will be displayed.
The web-based information system has been developed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency. The apps are being developed by the G2C office.
“The government places a high priority in G2C services and informing people is an important service,” MoWHS minister Dorji Choden said, adding that this particular service will be useful to people especially as everyone carries a smart phone today.
Lyonpo Dorji Choden said that while it is a small project, it is going to have a huge impact nationwide especially for road users. “It is going to play a huge role in informing people on the road conditions at the right time,” Lyonpo said.
The ministry also launched the water and sanitation information system (WaSIS) in collaboration with dzongkhags and thromdes. WaSIS is a web based information system on water and sanitation developed with the support of DFAT/WHO.
This system will record water sanitation information, the lack of which impeded improvement in services and long-term planning resulting in poor management. The objective of WaSIS is for effective and efficient management of water and sanitation systems and to facilitate proper planning of water infrastructures.
The system will also help maintain a credible inventory on the urban water and sanitation infrastructures in the country.
On WaSIS, Lyonpo said, the system will play an equally important role in record keeping of information on water and sanitation.
However, Lyonpo reiterated the need to sensitise people and the ministry officials on instilling a sense of duty and responsibility so that information does not create panic. “Next phase is to orient, guide and sensitise the road users and information consumers,” Lyonpo said.
Tempa Wangdi