Chebisa village
Thinley Namgay
Remote Chebisa village in Lingzhi gewog, Thimphu, will be connected with B-mobile 4G network in August this year.
The area has 2G network today.
Lingzhi Gup Wangdi said considering the increasing number of mobile users in the locality and its social benefits, the area should have better network facility.
He also said a good mobile network was necessary for teaching and learning. “Students in other places availed online learning during the nationwide lockdown, but students in Chebisa couldn’t because of network issue.”
There are about 20 students studying at Lingzhi Primary School from Chebisa, Chuzakhar and Khangkidyuel.
According to the gup, both Bhutan Telecom and Tashi Cell 4G network could be connected at Chebisa. “Service providers have to just install the tower because the place was already electrified.”
He said the 4G tower would also benefit residents of Chuzakhar and Khangkidyuel, as they are near Chebisa.
Chebisa received grid electricity in 2019.
Thimphu dzongkhag tshogdu’s thrizin, Gado, said the dzongkhag had sent a letter to BICMA requesting the tower’s installation. “BICMA is the parent organisation to approve. It was decided that Bhutan Telecom will install a tower in August this year.”
Meanwhile, as of June last year, there were 465,085 subscribers for Bhutan Telecom and 295,475 for Tashi Cell.