Infrastructure: The Reotala bridge, which was damaged by falling boulders and closed for almost five months, has been repaired and was opened for traffic yesterday.

Experts from the Rama Engineering Company in India fixed the bridge by stretching the snapped cables again without having to de-launch the bridge. The company fixed the bridge at a cost of Nu 310,000.

Department’s of Road’s (DoR) chief engineer Tougay Choedup in Trongsa said the team fixed the bridge in about a week’s time. The team has also straightened the bridge which had tilted.

Falling boulders snapped three cables from the right bank. People were initially worried that the bridge would have to be de-launched.

The 320-foot bridge was constructed at a cost of more than Nu 20 million in 2010. The bridge was constructed over the Mangdechhu for the Korphu gewog centre road.

Nima Wangdi | Zhemgang
