Visit: His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen are scheduled to arrive in Thimphu today evening after a 6-day Royal Visit to Haa Dzongkhag.
During the visit, His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen visited schools, lhakhangs and villages across Haa dzongkhag, and were welcomed by thousands of students, teachers, government officials, farmers, entrepreneurs, armed force personnel and the people of Haa.
Their Majesties visited Haa town, and Ingo, Champa, Gechukha and Yangthang villages during Their Majesties’ 6-day visit. His Majesty granted tokha to the people of Bji and Katsho gewogs at Yangthang village, and graced the homes of the people in Ingo village, where His Majesty was pleased with the beautiful flowers and gardens that the people had kept.
His Majesty encouraged the farmers in the villages to increase productivity by using greenhouses and embracing simple, profitable ventures like diary farming.
His Majesty also heard the concerns of the farmers over human-wildlife conflict, and inspected electric fences around some of the settlements.
During the visit, Their Majesties met with several entrepreneurs who have converted traditional houses into farmhouse-style heritage resorts, and visited some of the oldest houses in the villages, which have been well preserved and are now tourist attractions.
Their Majesties visited Katsho School, Chundu Central School, Damthang School, Jamphel School, and Gongzim Ugyen Dorji School during the Royal Visit. His Majesty granted separate Audiences to the students and teachers at all the schools, and encouraged the students to read books and pursue lifelong learning during the school visits.
Their Majesties visited Tagchu Gonpa, Yangto Gonpa, Lhakhang Karpo and Lhakhang Nagpo during the Royal Visit, and offered prayers. His Majesty had granted financial support to rebuild Tagchu Gonpa and Yangto Gonpa in 2011, after they were damaged by an earthquake in September that year.
Their Majesties were welcomed at the Damthang Army Training Camp by the armed force personnel of Wing XI and their families. His Majesty granted separate Audiences to the RBA and RBP officers and RBA troops, and granted picnic to the Royal Bhutan Army personnel.
Their Majesties granted an Audience to the members of the Tensung Amsui Phenday Tshogpa in Damthang. Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen inaugurated a day care centre run by the Tshogpa for the children of soldiers.
While in Haa, His Majesty also visited the Haa Fishery, where His Majesty granted Audience to the staff.
During the visit, His Majesty also granted Audiences to the gups and thromde thuemi of Haa, dzongkhag regional and sectorial heads, and dzongkhag and local government officials.
Their Majesties arrived in Haa on 12th May.
Their Majesties are accompanied by the Prime Minister and other Members of Parliament from Haa.