Samdrupjongkhar Thromde will install about 30 new closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in and around Samdrupjongkhar city, including Dewathang.
In April this year, the thromde installed 11 CCTV cameras in the core Samdrupjongkhar area. This has, among others, helped the city monitor illegal dumping of waste.
Samdrupjongkhar Thrompon Karma Sherab Thobgyal said that with the installation of the CCTV cameras people are more careful. “It definitely makes a lot of difference to the safety and security of the people, reduction of illegal dumping of waste, and general discipline.”
A police monitors the 11 CCTV cameras. Following the installation of cameras, the thromde handed over the monitoring responsibility to the police.
CCTV cameras are located at the checkpoint, Samdrupjongkhar entry gate, and core traffic area.
Karma Sherab Thobgyal said that the thromde is concerned about illegal dumping of waste around the city. “People throw all manner of waste and we are serious about keeping our city clean and green. We are trying to make Samdrupjongkhar the cleanest city in the country.”
In the 12 Plan, in addition to the 11 CCTV cameras in the core areas, thromde has kept aside a budget of Nu 30 Million (M) for installation of more CCTV cameras.
Today thromde has laid fiber optic system and is ready for installation of the new CCTV cameras.
Nu 6.7M has been spent until today for the installation of CCTV cameras.
Phurpa Lhamo | Samdrupjongkhar