What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
Monthly cleaning campaign. This is reflected in Annual Performance Agreement that we will conduct 15 cleaning programs in a year.
Awareness campaign on waste management to more than 2000 people.
Installed waste disposal bins along the road and in the town.
Which single activity do you think shall serve as an example to be replicated in other Dzongkhags?
Continuous and rigorous awareness campaign
What are your future plans and activities?
Establish waste segregation plant in the Dzongkhag
Continue awareness program on waste management.
What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
Among many waste management activities being carried out, the most significant ones would be institution of monthly cleaning on 9th and installation of CCTV cameras in the town area to deter illegal dumping of waste.
Which single activity do you feel shall serve as an example to be replicated in other dzongkhags?
We are fortunate that there are some private individuals who are willing to take up waste management activities. We have issued EC for the establishment of waste segregation facility to a private individual. Other Dzongkhags may explore and educate private entities to take up such activities.
What are your future plans and activities?
We wish to bring all other implementing agencies on board after thorough consultation and fix them their accountability as per the Waste Acts and Regulation.
What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
Numerous awareness programs conducted on waste management
Monthly cleanup program instituted on Ist Friday of the month for Dzongkhag HQ and 9th of the month for the Gewogs and Hydropower Projects.
With support and funding from MHPA Constructed new landfill for Trongsa Municipality and Hydropower projects.
Also with support from MHPA, procured Refuse Collector Truck.
Segregation of waste at source initiated (Bio & Non-Bio degradable)
Waste Management Awareness boards erected in strategic locations with support from THyE.
Waste dumper bins for bio and non-biodegradable waste procured recently and will be soon placed in different strategic locations (including Gewogs).
Conducted cleaning campaigns on national cleaning day on 9th December (2016, 2017) throughout Dzongkhag.
On WED, 2018 conducted stream cleanup program throughout the Dzongkhag and Adoption of Thruepang stream by Sherubling CS was initiated.
Replacement of single use plastic plates with eco-friendly bio-plates during events/programmes
Which single activity do you think shall serve as an example to be replicated in other Dzongkhags?
Monthly cleanup programs as a continuous awareness program and initiation of waste segregation at source.
What are your future plans and activities?
Shall continue to stress on giving awareness programs on waste prevention and management and its segregation at source.
What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
WED celebration activities:
Tree plantations in the Community Forests
Gave talk to students of schools
Posted signage with messages to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic wastes in public places such as the vegetable market, offices and town
Conducted advocacy programs in collaboration with the students at the vegetable market discouraging the use of plastic bags and encouraging the use of jute and biodegradable bags in place of plastic bags
Advocated use of filtered water in offices and hotels to avoid generation of pet bottles out of use of bottled water
Signage was fixed at the milk booth encouraging the people to bring their own containers
Advocated and started using ‘Bangchung/Dapa and Phob’ in the events of mass gathering
Which single activity do you think shall serve as an example to be replicated in other Dzongkhags?
Using ‘Bangchung/Dapa and Phob’ or bringing utensils in the events of mass gathering
Using filter water in the offices and hotels, and during mass gathering
What are your future plans and activities?
Planned activities related to environment protection
Instituted monthly cleaning program (1st Saturday of every month) from April, 2017
Waste collection centers constructed in all 12 Gewogs
Chiwog waste collection centers constructed in all 60 Chiwogs
Waste bins were constructed in every household (67% covered)
Offence token distributed in all 12 Gewog and Thromde
CCTV installed in core Damphu town area
Sustainable land management trainings provided to farmers of Tsirangtoe & Barshong in February, 2018
Farmers were trained on management of human waste and drinking water sources through ‘Community Development for Health’ program (CDHP).
As part of environment day celebration this year, a competition was held among dzongkhags and thromdes to encourage waste management initiatives for environment protection. The dzongkhags and thromdes were judged on activities carried out over the last one year. The National Environment Commission Secretariat organised the event among the dzongkhags and thromdes. Kuensel will publish a series on the initiatives taken since June 4, 2017 – June 4, 2018.