Tsirang dzongkhag administration handed over search and rescue materials, CCTV and smoke detecting monitoring equipment worth Nu 6.7million (M) to the Royal Bhutan Police on April 5.
Although search and rescue materials were handed over sometime last year, an official handing-taking was done along with of CCTV camera and smoke detecting equipment.
At least 165 photo electronic smoke detectors have been installed in almost all the rooms including toilets of the dzong. Another nine thermal heat detector have been installed in the canteen, Dzongkhag Tshogdu hall and dzongdag’s altar.
Electrical engineer Gobin Tamang said this would detect and prevent smoking inside the dzong. “Its chief objective is to secure the dzong from any fire accidents. Siren and speakers will be active in case of any incident,” he said.
Installation of these smoke detectors, thermal heat detectors, speaker boxes and setting up fully equipped control room cost Nu 4.7M.
About six months ago, Damphu municipality with budget from its current deposit account installed 11 cameras in the core town to manage waste. The monitoring and control had now been handed over to police. It is expected that handing over the CCTVs to police will serve the dual purpose of security and waste management.
In July last year, the dzongkhag administration had received search and rescue materials worth Nu 0.54M from department of disaster management. In addition, the dzongkhag administration had bought material worth Nu 1.3M in the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
“We could hand over materials worth Nu 1.3M at the moment,” disaster focal person Sonam Phuntsho said. Other material, particularly the hydraulic rescue combi cutter and spreader tool worth Nu 0.59M will be handed over as soon as the dzongkhag purchases a generator.
Dzongdag Ngawang Pem said that while it is the RBP that reaches a disaster site for rescue first, keeping materials with the dzongkhag administration did not serve the purpose. “For better service, security and proper monitoring we’re handing over these equipment,” she said.
Nirmala Pokhrel | Tsirang