Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay said that the government and banks agreed to offer special loan without a mortgage for youth who intend to pursue studies abroad.
This was revealed during the ‘question answer session’ of the National Assembly on May 9.
Lyonchoen also said that there will be tax exemption for banks on the revenue earned from the loan they offer. “We even introduced Remit Bhutan saving account where about 600 account holders save their earnings today,” he said. “People have so far saved one million US dollars.”
Lyonchoen Tshering Tobgay said that while people leaving the country to work outside is a concern for the government, it should not be considered as people abandoning the country since they are going out to avail work opportunities.
Panbang’s Member of Parliament Dorji Wangdi, who asked the government’s stand on many people going overseas, said that in two years, about 900 civil servants have resigned and there are about 5,000 visa applications pending.
The MP said that the government had pledged 100 percent employment in the country but people leaving the country to find work overseas is contradictory and a concern.
The Prime Minister said that while the country needs people for agriculture, construction, civil service and private sectors, people leaving the country is also an advantage for the country.
“They would return with skills, experience and knowledge and contribute to the nation, which would benefit the country’s economy.”
Lyonchoen, however, said that even if 3,000 people leave the country, not even one percent of the population has left and it is not a serious concern.
Wangduephodrang’s Nyishog Sephu MP Kuenga said that the current overseas scenario indicates that there are no enough jobs in the country and questioned Lyonchoen on what are the measures taken by the government.
In response, Lyonchoen said that although there are enough jobs at all levels provided equally, a lot of people do not take up the job or are not interested.
Prime Minister said that the government had sent 3,700 unemployed to India, Middle East, Thailand and Japan so far. “We’re also discussing on the reintegration program for Bhutanese when they return to Bhutan.”
Yangchen C Rinzin