Crime: The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) yesterday presented documents and physical evidences against murder suspect Tandin Gyeltshen.

Among other evidences, a total of 12 capsules of spasmo-proxyvon, three tablets of Nitrosun 10, a bloodstained jeans and shirt, and two knives were recovered from Tandin Gyeltshen’s house in Olakha, Thimphu.

OAG presented to the court a gold-plated bracelet that was found near the body and photographs of wounds on the deceased’s body along with the things recovered from Tandin Gyeltshen’s house.

The prosecutor said that the wounds on the deceased’s body indicate that the murder was intentional. According to post-mortem (PM) report wounds on the deceased’s body measured 1.5 to 5cms.

Remarks on PM report says that death was caused due to wounds inflicted by sharp weapons to chest and neck and that the manner of death is likely to have been intentional homicide.

“In the accused’s statements, he said that he slit the deceased’s neck from the back. But looking at the photographs, the knife slit the throat open,” said the prosecutor, “which shows that the murder was intentional.”

According to Tandin Gyeltshen’s friend Dechen Zangmo, Tandin Gyeltshen sold some of the controlled substances to one of his neighbor on April 21. Later, Tandin Gyeltshen took her to the place where he had disposed of the body and told her that he killed a man.

Tandin Gyeltshen said that he doesn’t remember taking her there and saying anything to her. He, however, said that clothes, a knife and the bracelet are his.

The court gave Tandin Gyaltshen copy of his statements and the photographs and gave him a week’s time to think and present his argument at the hearing on August 20.

Dechen Tshomo
