A temporary health sub-post was also inaugurated in the remote gewog
Events: Hundreds, some even barefoot, came to witness the unveiling of the new Guru Tshengye Thongdrel on 29 December at Taksha-Silli, one of the most remote places in Wangdue.
The unveiling was a rare occasion for the people of the villages of Taskha-Silli and Tsara in Daga gewog. It takes around three-four hours to reach Takshachu from Bajo, and around a two hour drive from Takshachu to Taksha-Silli, due to poor road conditions and frequent blocks.
Daga gewog administration officer Desang Tshering said it has been just a few days since the gewog managed to clear the road blocks with financial support from disaster management. The gewog has remained cut off for months since the 23km farm road-connecting Taksha-Silli was blocked, he said.
Desang said since the road was cleared on time many people from Taksha-silli who live and work in urban areas could also join the local people, yesterday.
Dagana Lam Naten, Tenzin, who is from Taksha initiated the Guru Tshengyel Thongdrel. The height of the thongdrel is 21 feet with a breadth of 24 feet. It is Taksha-Silli’s first thongdrel.
The Thongdrel, he said, has been completed with funding support of the public, his own contribution and contributions from civil servants and monks from Taksha-Silli. Punatsangchu project-I and II has contributed Nu 100,000 each and Damchen stone quarry has also contributed Nu 100,000. Gyatsho Lopen Kuenga of Punakha consecrated the Thongdrel.
Meanwhile, the health minister, Tandin Wangchuk held a ground-breaking ceremony for a health sub-post near Taksha primary school. The sub-post will be built on a 69 decimal land with funding support of Nu 6.29 million from the Government of India’s small development program.
Wangdue district health officer, Namgay Dawa said the sub-post would have two blocks, a sub-post unit and staff quarter. The budget would also be used for additional works like fencing, water supply, gate construction and an approach road of 0.3km.
The sub-post, Lyonpo Tandin Wangchuk said would benefit 59 households and around 342 people of three villages of Taksha, Silli and Tsara of Daga gewog. “It would have one permanent health staff and remain open on all working days, and will also have all basic medical facilities,” he added.
The sub-post is also to help people with medical facilities and to avoid travelling for days to just avail small medical facility from the Bajo or Kamichu basic health unit, said Lyonpo. Most of the time the road to Taksha-Silli remains blocked.
The minister also inaugurated the temporary sub-post, which started providing medical facilities since yesterday. A health assistant will be kept at the temporary sub-post and the ministry will soon deploy a permanent staff member, he said.
Wangdue National council representative, Tashi Dorji, dzongdag, dzongrab and local government leaders of Daga gewog also attended the two events.
Dawa Gyelmo, Taksha