Nim Dorji | Bumthang
The gewogs with long gewog centre (GC) road proposed for additional fund for the maintenance.
The issue was raised by Tang Gup Ugyen Nima.
The GC roads were handed to the gewog administration in January. The must set aside funds annually for the maintenance.
Ugyen Nima said that of the four gewogs, Tang had that longest GC road (17km). “Tang will have to spend more on maintenance.”
It was learnt that the gewogs should keep Nu 33,000 per kilometre for GC road maintenance. For Tang gewog, it will cost around Nu 561,000.
Ugyen Nima said that maintenance fund was not included in the 12th Plan. If the maintenance cost were to be met from the gewog fund, the plans would be affected, he added.
“The thickness of the blacktop on the GC road is one inch. With heavy trucks using the road daily, there will be many potholes soon, “ he said.
Natural Resources Development Corporation has been giving Nu 300,000 since 2018 for the maintenance of Tang GC road as the trucks were carrying logs.
The annual budget for the gewogs is distributed according to the size, number of households and population.
The DT decided to write to the government to review and look into the possibility of allocating funds for the GC road maintenance for the gewog which have long GC roads.