It is exam time. Children are busy revising the lessons. Parents are worried and so are our teachers. For some students, this is a crucial time. This exam will determine their future.

To thousands of students across the country, we wish you all the best.

This is also the time when our parents ought to be extra careful. After exams our children find that they suddenly have nothing else to do and get into things that do not benefit them. The problem is that we have more bars and dark corners than education centre where our children can spend quality time. It is sad that some of our children cannot return to school.

That’s why as parents we can ill afford to let our children slip out while we pursue our own small pleasures and excitement.

This is also the time when we have to thank our teachers who have for almost a year sacrificed their sleep and comfort to educate our children. They are paid so much less for interminably long hours they have to work. But then, as our own eminent philosopher said, our teachers will forever be paid less because what they offer is priceless. This is why we need to thank our teachers who rarely get recognition that they deserve.

We have many programmes in winter that are designed particularly to engage our youth in productive activities. But it is parents who do not care about such initiatives that the government and many non-governmental organisations take for the benefit of our children.

Children, as exams near, it is important that you do not labour too much with lessons. Have enough rest and face the exams with confidence.

Soon the schools will close. So it is now upon parents to guide their children.
