Death: An 18-year old student in Thimphu committed suicide on the way to Sangaygang yesterday, making it the second suicide case to be reported this year in the capital.

Last week, a 20-year-old man committed suicide in his house above the Supreme Court.  Police recorded 106 suicide cases across the country between 2014 and yesterday.  Another 29 had attempted suicide.

Samtse recorded 14 cases, the highest number of suicides last year, followed by 11 in Thimphu, and 10 in Sarpang.

Last year, of the 11 suicides in Thimphu, seven were males.  The youngest was a 16-year old female and the oldest, a 31-year old male.

Meanwhile, in the last nine years, records with the hospital’s forensic unit show a total of 67 reported suicides in Thimphu alone.  From three suicides in 2005, the number shot to 12 in 2010.

By Dechen Tshomo
