Kamji: Following a rigorous two days search, police officials, with the help of army and desuups, recovered the body of the third man who had died in the Kamji car accident on March 29.
The team had recovered two bodies on April 5, and a search was still on for the third body. The three men were graduates and in their mid 20s. One of them was unemployed.
Police officials said the Alto car they were travelling had veered off about 400m from the road near Kamji. No one had known about the accident area until April 5, when the search team noticed the car’s wreckage.
The men’s parents had filed a missing report in Thimphu. Through call records, police managed to track the last point of call at Kamji.
All bodies have been handed over to families. Police have overruled over-speeding and suspect fog or sleep driving as the accident’s cause.
Rajesh Rai, Phuentsholing