Trongsa police detained a 26-year-old man and two minors aged 16 since December 6 for breaking the windows of 12 vehicles and battering four students of Sherubling Central School.

The man and the two minors, under the influence of marijuana, broke the windows of the vehicles parked in Trongsa town at 3am and battered the students in the hostel around 3:30am.

It was learnt that the court granted bail to one of the minors, who was a class 10 student since he was appearing his examination when he was arrested.

With the school authorities apprehensive, reasoning that the victims might avenge and batter the boy, they sought support from court to ensure safety in the examination hall. The court directed the police to escort the boy until the exam hall.

This, the court and police stated was done in accordance to the Child Care and Protection Act of Bhutan 2011.

The boy was, however, detained after he completed his examination on December 13.

Police sources in Trongsa said they are preparing the charges and would forward the case to the Office of Attorney General (OAG) soon. 

Staff reporter
