Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
Except for the former Kurtoed gup, former gups of Gangzur, Maenbi and Tsaenkhar gewogs were outvoted in the dhamngoi zomdu. The dhamngoi zomdu in four of eight gewogs in the dzongkhag came to an end yesterday.
Dhamngoi zomdu in the dzongkhag began on November 4, from Phagidoong and Tagmochu chiwog in Maenbi gewog, Thrima-Zhamling-Shawa and Kyidloong-Somshing-Magar chiwogs in Gangzur gewog and Chagdzom-Chuza and Tangroong-Wawel chiwogs of Kurtoed gewog by three teams of election officials.
Followed by Maenjabi and Zhungkhar chiwogs of Maenbi gewog, Nyimshong-Tongling and Jang-Ngar chiwogs of Gangzur gewog, and Tabi and Dungkar chiwogs of Kurtoed gewog on November 5.
In Zhungkhar-Navy chiwog, there were three candidates for gup and four for mangmi. The former gup and mangmi, who recontested for gup, lost to a new candidate Sonam Drukgyal who secured 145 votes of the 334 total votes. From the chiwog, after securing 140 votes Kelzang Jamtsho was selected as the candidate for the post of mangmi.
Maenjabi chiwog, and Tagmochu-Gorgan chiwogs under Maenbi gewog and Artobadab-Goongdrang chiwog in Tsaenkhar gewog had no gup and mangmi canidates.
There was a candidate each for gup and mangmi from Phagidoong chiwog and both the candidates were selected with 93 and 99 ‘yes’ votes respectively.
Although there was no candidate for gup from Kamdar_Moormo chiwog in Maenbi gewog, a single mangmi candidate, Sonam Zangpo was selected after he got 69 yes votes from the 70 voters present.
In Autsho-Charbi chiwog in Tsaenkhar gewog, one of the two candidates Tashi Penjor managed 150 votes to make it for the final round. There was one mangmi candidate from the chiwog and was selected with 202 ‘yes’ votes of the 270 voters present.
In Gangzur gewog, Tshewang Thinley from Kyidloong-Somshing chiwog, Sonam Gyeltshen from Jang-Ngar chiwog and Ugyen Tshering from Ney chiwog were nominated as gup candidates. Karma Kunzang from Nyimshong-Tongling chiwog and Tshering Dhendup from Jang-Ngar chiwog were nominated as mangmi candidates.
Similarly, Kurtoe gewog nominated three candidates for gup and two candidates for mangmi at the dhamngoi zomdu. Karpola from Chagdzom-Chusa chiwog, Sithar Penjor from Tabi, Ugyen Tshering from Jasabi-Ugyenphoog chiwog were nominated as gup candidates. Sonam Chophel of Tangroong-Wawel chiwog and Ugyen Pelden of Tabi were nominated for the post of mangmi.
Dhamngoi zomdus in the remaining four gewogs of the dzongkhag are scheduled to complete by November 14.
Edited by Tshering Palden