The last dhamngoi zomdu will be held today for Changangkha and Motithang
Chhimi Dema
With one candidate disqualified for not securing the required ‘Yes’ votes, Thimphu has three thrompon candidates as of yesterday.
Dechencholing-Taba and Jungshina-Kawajangsa demkhongs nominated their lone candidate yesterday, while Babesa demkhong nominated its candidate on March 21.
Sonam Dorji, 31, will contest for the thrompon from Dechencholing-Taba demkhong after he secured 140 ‘Yes’ votes and 24 ‘No’ votes in the dhamngoi zomdu yesterday in Dechencholing Higher Secondary School.
He worked in a private firm and has a Bachelors of Technology in Civil Engineering.
In an earlier interview with Kuensel, Sonam Dorji said that he had a vision for a “new Thimphu” that will be more “liveable” for all residents.
“All my priorities and plans will be in line with the vision,” Sonam Dorji said. “For example, I’ll focus on clean, efficient and high-tech water distribution system to make the city more liveable.”
Dechencholing-Taba demkhong has 717 eligible voters.
Tawchu, 58, from Hejo, said he hopes the new thrompon would make their lives better.
From Jungshina-Kawajangsa demkhong, Ugyen Dorji secured 194 ‘Yes’ votes and 73 ‘No’ votes.
The candidate resigned recently. He was the thromde’s executive engineer and deputy chief urban planner before.
During the dhamngoi zomdu, he said that his work experience gave him the confidence to contest the thromde elections.
He said that he would work towards development of policies to solve the confusion on the placement of jamthog (raised gable roof over walls or columns) and construction of basement in buildings.
In an earlier interview, he said that he would prioritise good urban governance to address water shortages, waste problems, potholes and drainage problems.
The demkhong has 1,393 eligible voters.
Former thrompon Kinlay Dorjee was nominated on March 21 from Babesa demkhong. He secured 239 ‘Yes’ votes and 14 ‘No’ votes.
In an earlier interview, he said his priorities have changed after completion of two terms.
He said that he would improve the services that are already put in place and work on developmental activities that he couldn’t implement during his two terms.
Meanwhile, Kinley Tshering from Chang Bangdu-Olakha demkhong was disqualified after securing 144 ‘No’ votes and only 119 ‘Yes’ votes.
The last dhamngoi zomdu will be held today for Changangkha and Motithang demkhong.