Service: Thimphu thromde will establish a branch office in Taba for the convenience of the residents in the area and also to ease congestion at the head office located on Gongdzin Lam in Thimphu.
The location of the branch office has been identified and the thromde is renovating the office.
Thimphu Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said that the opening of the branch office will also reduce vehicular traffic at the head office in the capital.
The thromde has assigned an engineer to each thromde constituency in the capital. The engineers in the two thromde constituencies of North Thimphu will be stationed in the branch office.
“The constituency councilors and community volunteers, among others, will also execute their work, which includes repair works in the area from the branch office in Taba,” the thrompon said. “Residents in Taba can walk to the office to put up a complaint or for any thromde related work.”
Once the office is fully settled, the residents can also pay their utility bills and even the land tax at the branch office.
“Taba residents don’t have to come to the main office like they currently do,” the thrompon said. “The branch office will act as the thromde’s service centre.”
The thromde is yet to identify a place to establish a branch office in south Thimphu.
Dechen Tshomo