Waste:Thimphu thromde will re-invite quotation for the collection and disposal of municipal waste from city’s north zone.

Unlike in the previous bid, only financial proposal will be considered this time. The thromde will prepare the technical proposals.

Yeshi Wangdi, Thromde’s head of solid waste, said that thromde will prepare the technical proposal since most of the interested private firms find fulfilling the criteria difficult because of which bidders are reluctant to participate.

Thromde has refloated the tender for the collection of waste from north zone in March because a firm will only be awarded maximum of two zones.

Greener Way was awarded the contract to collect and dispose of waste from the south and central zones in January.

Of the three bidders who submitted their proposals for the collection and disposal of waste from north zone, a private company will be awarded the contract after assessing its technical proposal as other bidders failed to meet most of the criteria.

Yeshi Wangdi said that after assessing both the technical and financial proposals by respective committees, the environment division wrote a letter to a new firm to submit their final price.

“Thromde committee discussed thoroughly using all the information available to assess the rate,” said Yeshi Wangdi.

The contract price was further reduced to Nu 445,000 from Nu 468660 after the negotiation between the committee and the firm. The earlier offer price was Nu 619,202.

Thromde issued an acceptance letter to the firm on June 30 stating that final letter of notice to proceed will be issued upon the fulfillment of conditions within 15 days from the date of issue of the letter.

The firm is to submit 10 percent of the total assignment value as performance security and is liable to submit also analysed collection routes indicating timing and frequency of effective monitoring in digital copy. The contract will be signed only after fulfilling these conditions.

Yeshi Wangdi said that the collection work for the north zone was expected to start last month for the duration of 5 years. However, the new firm could not fulfill the technical requirements that include analysing collection routes because of which thromde decided to retender the work.

Greener way was awarded the waste collection and disposal contract at a negotiated price of Nu 526,500 and Nu 473,500 for south and central zones respectively against the initially quoted amount of Nu 603,400 for south, Nu 473,500 for central, and Nu 233,100 for north zone.

Dechen Tshomo
