Chhimi Dema
If toilets in an organisation are dirty, could it reflect the functioning of the management?
The answer would be found once Bhutan Toilet Organisation (BTO) completes its survey correlating the toilet standard and the management of an organisation.
The survey components were discussed during the first BTO ambassadors’ conference held in Thimphu yesterday.
BTO’s founder and executive director, Passang Tshering, said that the survey was to make the management invest more in maintaining hygienic and sanitary toilets in their organisation.
“If the responsibility was pinned on the management stating that cleaner toilets meant better management, then they might start paying attention to toilets in their offices,” he said. “If everybody does their bit to keep the toilet clean, we do not need an organisation like BTO,” he said.
More than 20 BTO ambassadors across the country attended the two-day conference which began on the World Toilet Day.
The conference aimed to highlight the importance of sanitation and hygiene for the wellbeing of the country.
The objective of the conference was to educate ambassadors and share best practices on sanitation and hygiene in the country.
Passang Tshering said that the conference was conducted to acknowledge and recognise the ambassadors and formalise their roles. “All the ambassadors have been working on goodwill so far.”
The conference focused on reviewing and consolidating the terms of reference (ToR) for the ambassadors as well. “The ToR was to define their way forward and clarify the roles and responsibilities as ambassadors,” Passang Tshering said.
The BTO ambassadors comprised of teachers, civil servants and college students.
Thinley Rabgay, a teacher from Laya Central School, said that the conference gave him ideas to include local leaders while initiating toilet activities. “If local leaders support our activities, it would make our task easier.”
He said that he takes pride in being able to change people’s lives and advocate on sanitation and hygiene through BTO initiatives.
A student from Sherubtse College, Sangay Wangdi, said that the conference helped him get a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities as BTO ambassador.
He said that the Sherubtse Clean Toilet Volunteers club, apart from maintaining the college toilets clean, go to villages and create awareness on the importance of hygiene.
“I learned about how to make toilets for any public event and fundraising for the club,” said Sangay Wangdi. “It gives me immense joy to see people happy when they visit clean toilets.”
The ambassadors also discussed budgeting and auditing, and resource mobilisation.
The conference ended yesterday.