Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
Of the 22 gup candidates in Trashiyangtse, only one is female.
Nima Selden, 31, will contest for the post of gup in Yalang gewog with four male candidates. The gewog has the highest number of gup contestants.
She will contest from Rolam-Thragom chiwog. The other four candidates are Choesung Wangdi from Chemma-Melongkhar chiwog, Tshering Tobgay from Namthig-Yarphel chiwog, Nima Tshering from Phulang-Yalang, and Sonam from Doogti-Gashing chiwog.
In Khamdang gewog, Norbu of Khamdang-Manklha chiwog, Yongba of Shali-Serpang chiwog, Ugyen Wangdi from Nomaring-Shazam chiwog, and Tashi Wangchuk of Dhomtshang-Karmazom chiwog will contest for the post of gup.
In Bumdeling gewog, Mani Dorji will contest from Ngalimang-Phanteng chiwog, Karma from Bamdir-Womanang chiwog, and Phub Thinley from Gangkhardung-Tshaling chiwog.
Toedtsho gewog has selected all the three candidates from different chiwogs for gup. Jampel Cheda will contest from Daktsa-Sertsho chiwog, Dechen Wangdi from Jangphutse chiwog, and Phuntsho Wangdi of Chhemkhar-Manam chiwog.
In Jamkhar, Ramjar and Tongmijangsa gewog has two candidates each contesting for gup. They are Tashi Tenzin of Laishoom-Larjab chiwog and Cheku of Rijoong-Yoob chiwog in Jamkhar gewog, and Tenzin Wangda of Domtshang-Dungmaen chiwog, and Phurpa Gyeltshen of Bainangreb-Romang chiwogs in Ramjar gewog. Ugyen Dorji of Bagpa-Kunzangling and Tashi Dorji of Maenchu-Tsangdoong chiwogs will contest for gup in Tongmi Jangsa gewog.
In Yangtse gewog, Gonpo of Lichen chiwog is tje lone candidate.
The dzongkhag also has 18 mangmi candidates, three of which are female.
Meanwhile, the dzongkhag has two offices of returning officers who are filing nominations.
While the scrutiny is on December 13, the returning officer of Bumdeling-Jamkhar constituency has almost completed filing nominations for candidates in its four gewogs. The office has registered the nominations of eight candidates for gup, nine for mangmi, 36 tshogpa and two candidates for thromde ngotshab (representative) so far.
Edited by Tshering Palden