Waste: The extended waste disposal site at Chunjapang in Trongsa is expected to accommodate wastes for another 30 years. The old disposal site, which is about four kilometres away from Trongsa towards Zhemgang, was extended after it was filled a few years ago.
Works at the site are in full swing. Construction of walls and fencings are almost complete.
The dzongkhag’s deputy executive engineer, Tobgay, said the previous waste disposal site was prepared with funding from the World Bank 15 years ago. The site is being extended with two new disposal sites and the wastes are currently being dumped at the place which is some 13km from Trongsa towards Zhemgang.
Tobgay said the waste disposal site at Chunjapang is meant for people living in Trongsa town including Sherubling, Kingarabten, Taktse and the Mangdechu Hydroelectric Project Authority (MHPA) housing colony.
The area is surrounded by a chain-link fence to prevent dogs and other animals from getting inside. Some 80 percent of physical work is complete till date according to Tobgay. The extension work started from March 2015 and is expected to be completed by April next year.
Officials said the dzongkhag tried identifying a different waste disposal site but getting clearance from the forest department was not possible. “This is why the dzongkhag is extending the existing site,” Tobgay said. The dzongkhag also tried to identify a waste disposal site for Langthel gewog but failed. The committee has now decided to provide the geowg with portable waste bins. The wastes from the gewog will be collected and brought to Chunjapang. Budget meant for the disposal site in Langthel will also be diverted to Chunjapang.
MHPA is funding the waste disposal site extension.
Nima Wangdi | Trongsa