Of the 5,654 postal ballots Tsirang received as of yesterday evening, three ballots were rejected.
The returning officer of Sergithang-Tsirangtoed constituency received 2,177 facilitation booth ballots and 530 conventional postal ballots and Kilkhorthang-Mendrelgang returning officer received 2,425 ballots from facilitation booth and 522 conventional ballots.
Officials declared that two rejected ballots were from Sergithang-Tsirangtoed constituency.
The returning officer, Sonam Penjor, said while one was rejected for missing Envelope B, the other ballot did not have an identification certificate. The single rejected ballot from Kilkhorthang-Mendrelgang constituency also did not have an identification certificate.
Tsirang has received 436 postal ballots more than the ballots received during the primary elections. In the primary, the dzongkhag received 5,218 postal ballots.
The returning officers will begin opening envelope A today.
Meanwhile, the dzongkhag has deployed 437 officials, including 210 security personnel for election duty to the 44 polling stations in its 12 gewogs.
Returning officers say that with all the polling station set up and officials being deployed in batches, Tsirang is all set for the poll day.
Nirmala Pokhrel | Tsirang