To commemorate the 28th birth anniversary of Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen and coinciding with World Environment Day, Tsirang forest division launched a project to plant 40,000 trees on a 50-hectare land on June 4.
The project, PHPA II compensatory plantation, was launched on June 4 in Dangregang community forest in Semjong gewog where 3,200 saplings of champ, tsenden, walnut, gamri and teak were planted on two hectares of barren and degraded land.
About 150 people including local leaders, foresters, students, teachers, local residents and desuups participated in the plantation.
During the launch, the chief forestry officer, Dimple Thapa, said that forest degradation is inevitable for a developing country like Bhutan, which poses multi-dimensional threats in the long run. “I urge everyone including the gewog administration, community forest members and students to work further in the protection and rehabilitation of our forest for Green Tsirang and Green Bhutan,” she said.
Tsirang forest division has received Nu 3.2million from PHPA II. With the money, 50 hectares of denuded and degraded land in community forests of Tsirang will be revived in another two years.
Dimple Thapa said that plantation on 25 hectares covering 15 community forests will be carried out this year. “Plantation on the other 25 hectares would be carried out next year.”
She said the project is important because most of the valuable species have depleted and it is necessary to re-stock for future needs of the community.
Sixteen desuups and four forestry staff also weeded, cleaned and replaced dead trees at the desuup tendrel plantation site in Darchhagang. Students, teachers, local leaders and forestry officials and community members carried out plantation on the two-hectare area of Darchhagang Community Forest.
In Mendrelgang gewog, 39 members and four foresters maintained the Reserboo community forest.
Nirmala Pokhrel | Tsirang