To promote employability, enhance work experience and skills, a Business Incubation Unit (BIU) was opened at the Thimphu Insitute for Zorig Chusum yesterday.
Labour minister, Ngeema Sangay Tshempo, at the launch said that BIU would help unemployed graduates in building experience and confidence through projects.
The initiative will further improve skills and knowledge of the trainees through on-job-training (OJT) and apprenticeship training program.
Vice Principal of Thimphu Institute for Zorig Chusum, Yeshey Namgay said, BIU will find projects for the trainees and graduates. It will also provide assistance through supervisors and equipment for work.
“The unit will also help identify and negotiate projects,” he said. The Government supported the initial setup of BIU with Nu 500,000.
Chief Programme Officer for Department of Technical Education (DTE), Wangchuk said that 80 percent of income generated from projects would be used for resources and workers. The remaining 20 percent will be deposited at BIU. “The money saved by BIU will be used to buy equipment for the work. The government will provide heavy machineries for the project if needed,” he added.
The graduates can stay registered and work at the BIU for two years. However, he shared that not many graduates turn up to work at the BIUs that were already opened in other parts of the country.
BIU provides services such as maintenance of public and private housings, execution of government, private and corporate construction works, specialised skilled services and repair works.
Wangchuk said that the initiative is expected to bring together potential business partners and encourage development of business plans and form groups with different skills. A trainee at IZC Pema Tshering said, “If we are provided with experience to deal with business, it will be easier to start business when we leave.”
According to labour ministry, there are 1,432 technical trainees at six Technical Training Institutes and two Institute for Zorig Chusum in the country. The labour ministry in 2015 first introduced the unit at TTI in Chumey, Bumthang, followed by TTI-Dekiling in Gelephu, Sarpang.
Yesterday, Thimphu Institute for Zorig Chusum and TTI at Khuruthang, Punakha launched its BIU.
Another business incubation unit will be soon launched in TTI-Rangjung, Trashigang. The Department of Technical Education in the Labour ministry initiated the BIU.
Phurpa Lhamo