Chencho Dema | Punakha
The incumbent member of the National Council, Dorji Khandu and Tshering, a former RAPA employee, will contest the National Council elections from Gasa.
The candidates ran unopposed in the Dhamngoi Zomdu and had their nominations confirmed by a yes or no vote.
Dorji Khandu was nominated from Laya gewog with 104 Yes votes and a single No vote during the Dhamngoi Zomdu held on 3 March.
“It’s with immense pleasure to share the news that I have been nominated as the National Council Candidate with the overwhelming majority of Votes. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the public of Laya gewog for your unwavering support and love,” he posted on his social media page.
Tshering is the nominee from Khatoe gewog. Of the 103 who attended the dhamngoi zomdu on March 2, 101 voted Yes in favour of his nomination from the gewog and two voted No.
Thanking the voters, Tshering posted on his social media, “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the individuals of Khatoe gewog, Gasa Dzongkhag. They have bestowed their trust and confidence in me by electing me as their representative in the recently held Dhemngoi Zomdhu on 2nd March 2023. I would be immensely grateful and motivated if you continue to support me.”
Gasa had one candidate in National Council elections 2008, three in 2013, and four candidates in 2018 elections.
The dhamngoi zomdu in Gasa dzongkhag began on March 1 and ended on March 5.
Gasa has four gewogs: Laya, Khatoe, Khamed, and Lunana. While Khamed and Lunana gewogs did not nominate a candidate.