Of the five aspiring National Council candidates from Lhuentse, two – Tenzin Jurmey from Maenbi and Jurme Tenzin from Kurtoed gewog sailed through the gewog zomdu, which began on March 1.

Tenzin Jurmey, 29, from Phagidung village secured 231 ‘yes’ votes and 49 ‘no’ from his gewog. He graduated with a BBA from Gaeddu College of Business in 2013 and has been in his village since then doing farming business.

Jurme Tenzin, 36, a former investigating officer with anti-corruption commission also secured more yes votes from his village. He secured 117 ‘yes’ votes against 7 ‘no’.

Maenbi gewog has about 2,515 eligible registered voters with 1,161 male and 1,354 female, while Kurtoe has around 1,396 registered voters with 659 male and 735 female.

With gewog zomdu completed for two gewogs, dzongkhag election officials said that the voter turn out as of now has been low despite creating awareness. “People don’t take it seriously for gewog level nomination and send only a member from a family to vote,” an election official said.

Of the eight gewogs, Minjey, Tsaenkhar and Maedtsho have no candidates so far.

Today, the people of Khoma gewog will decide for Rinzin Rinzin, former council member while people of Jarey gewog will decide for the incumbent member Tenpa Dorji. Gangzur gewog will vote for the lone candidate Kinga Penjore.

The final gewog zomdu will be held on March 8 at Tsaenkhar gewog and Lhuentse thromde.

Lhuentse has a total of 16,093 eligible voters with 7,579 male and 8,514 female.

Tashi Tenzin | Lhuentse
