About 300 people are involved in the search of a 23-year-old Mahindra Bolero driver and a 29-year-old teacher of Shingkhar primary school in Trashiyangtse after the vehicle veered off road and plunged into the Drangmechu on June 10.
The accident occurred around 1:20pm at Korlung but police were informed at 1:30pm.
The search team, involving police, desuups, Trashiyangtse dzongkhag officials, residents from Jamkhar gewog, and teachers were divided into groups and searched from Korlung until Sherichu for the last two days.
A source said that the vehicle veered off 15 to 20 metres from the wrong side. “The cause of the accident is unknown and the case still under investigation.”
The source also said the teacher was returning from Trashigang hospital.
The search continues today.
Staff reporter