Nima | Gelephu
Of the six demkhongs in Gelephu thromde, dhamngoi zomdu was conducted in two demkhongs, where two thrompon candidates were nominated as of yesterday.
In Jampeling demkhong, there were two candidates.
Former Gelephu thrompon Tikaram Kafley was nominated from Jampeling demkhong, where he obtained 83 votes out of the 117 votes cast over a former aspiring politician, Harka Singh Tamang, who secured 34 votes.
Harka Singh Tamang was the former Zhemgang dzongdag and Gelephu thromde’s executive secretary.
Jampeling demkhong has 279 registered voters.
From Tashiling demkhong, Tshering Norbu secured 83 yes votes and five no votes during dhamngoi zomdu held yesterday.
The businessman is contesting for the thrompon post for the second time. He also contested for the National Council elections in 2018.
Dhamngoi zomdu for the remaining four demkhongs are scheduled this week. About 1,400 people registered to vote until yesterday for the Gelephu thrompon.
The candidates pledged to make best use of the vast space and realise the vision of turning Gelephu into a model city in the country. Drinking water crisis and making the town safe and secure was common issues presented to the people of two demkhongs so far.
Tshering Norbu said that Gelephu has huge potential, considering the location and its proximity to the Indian market, to become a regional economic city.
“Today, socio-economic activities are not in line with the capacity of the throm. Thromde, unlike other institutions, thrives on revenue people generate and the service delivery has to be very fast, effective, and efficient. With changing time, ICT has to be involved,” he said.
He pledged good governance, quality infrastructure, 24-hour drinking water supply, coordination with the stakeholders and people, clean and aesthetic city by promoting environment resilience through innovative waste management.
He added that Gelephu has an opportunity to resolve national challenges, enable even development, and create more employment.
The candidate promised to resolve green belt issues of the thromde that had deprived residents living in those places of equal access to basic facilities such as roads, street lighting, and drainage system.
“There’s no proper drainage system. And it’s a big threat to safety and cleanliness. Development should prevail equally in all demkhongs through prioritisation,” said Tshering Norbu.
Former Thrompon, Tikaram Kafley from Jampeling demkhong said several plans need to be completed and pledged to complete important plans if elected again.
“Gelephu has the potential to be the biggest thromde in future and it should be developed as per its vision and potential. I’d be able to complete all the planned activities with the experience I gained in the past five years,” he said.
He added that he worked with thromde for 21 years in various capacities, encouraging him to participate in the election again. “I have all sorts of knowledge and technical background. I was in touch in preparing and implementation the plan. I’ll be able to take ahead.”
Tikaram Kafley pledges to make Gelephu a special economic zone, prepare local area plans and other matters in consultation with Thromde community and implement diligently.
Design and develop uninterrupted water supply schemes, initiate the development of sports complexes for youth and other thromde community, install state of the art crematorium facility.
Tikaram Kafley promises to induct and complete infrastructure works like urban corridor, royal boulevard, ring road, and children’s park that is in the planning.
Sewerage, waste management, drainage, quality streetlights, water supply, and initiating urban agriculture are a few of the common promises from the candidates nominated so far.