The Technical Training Institute (TTI) in Chumey and Jigme Wangchuck Power Training Institute (JWPTI) in Sarpang received certificates of Quality Excellence Awards in Thimphu, yesterday.
The institutes were awarded cash prizes of Nu 100,000 each. The recognition is part of the Department of Occupational Standards’ (DoS) initiative to encourage training providers in the country to maintain quality in teaching learning practices.
Labour secretary Sonam Wangchuk, said that with new technological developments, requirements of trainees graduating from training institutes change. “Trainees from graduating institutes need to be resourceful,” he said. “They need to have the knowledge of technical and soft skills.”
Chief programme officer at DoS, Yeshey Khandu, said that there was a lack of communication among institutes and even within departments of the institutes. “Our trainees are highly skilled but for instance, the Trashiyangtse Zorig Chusum doesn’t have enough market. However, the National Institute of Zorig Chusum in Thimphu has the market. There is a way for them to collaborate and work together.”
She said that some of the recommendations that the DoS shared were possibility of learning and exchange visits among institutes, sharing of resources and products, consistent use of personal protection equipment and instilling a culture of its use, creative use of teaching and learning materials, and accessibility of first aid resources, internet, and library.
Of the eight institutes that were assessed, it was found that JWPTI is the only institute that is Quality Management System (QMS) certified.
JWPTI’s training director, Palden Tshering, said that everyone expects the best in quality whether it is a service or a product.
Chumey TTI and Samthang TTI were provided certificates of appreciation for consistent implementation of 5s –sort, set in order, shine, standardise and sustain, and creative instructional aids respectively.
Principal of Chumey’s TTI, Pema Tshering, said that quality needs to be assured.
“Most companies say that Chumey TTI graduates are better at work.”
Institutes were graded on seven broad criteria such as infrastructure, and facilities and maintenance, governance, courses, trainers and support staff, trainees, QMS, and institute grade.
The criteria were identified in line with the Regulation for Registration of Training Providers 2010, Guidelines for Accreditation of Courses and QMS.
Evaluation committee included auditors from department of education and occupational standards.
The objective of recognising the institutes were to identify best performing TTI and Institutes of Zorig Chusum (IZC) training providers, to assess strengths and weaknesses on quality of the training and management of institutes and provide recommendations.
There are plans to include and replicate the quality assurance system in private sector.
Currently, there are about 117 training providers registered with the DOS. About 116 trainers, 312 assessors, 40 accreditors, and 60 auditors are trained and registered with the department.
Rinchen Zangmo