Vegetable shed in Tsimalakha, Chukha, which was inaugurated to encourage farmers from Chapcha, Geling, and Bjachhog has remained underused.
The shed can accommodate at least 20 stalls, was inaugurated in November 19, 2017.
Along with this vegetable shed in Tsimalakha, a small one was also constructed at Tsimasham. A budget of Nu 5 million was invested under the Government of India-sponsored small development programme.
Tsimalakha residents said that although Chukha’s dzongkhag administration had constructed the shed to help farmers, it remains underused.
Lobzang Choden, a businesswoman, said the shed could benefit servants living in Tsimalakha. “But it is not working.”
Farmers find it more profitable to sell their produce on the highway. Bringing the produce up to the shed involves cost.
Another resident, Dawchu Drukpa, said that the population in Tsimalakha was too less for profitable business.
Chukha’s assistant agriculture officer, NK Acharya, said the issue was seasonal. “Vegetables are not grown much at present due to weather.”
Rajesh Rai | Tsimasham