His Majesty The King, His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Their Majesties the Gyalyums, His Royal Highness The Gyalsey and members of the Royal Family graced the Consecration of the Druk Wangditse Lhakhang. The Prime Minister and government officials also attended the ceremony, along with the people involved in the renovation works.
The rabney for the renovated lhakhang was performed on January 24, with the prayers culminating today, coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of His Royal Highness The Gyalsey. The sertog was installed on January 21.
Druk Wangditse Lhakhang said to have been built in 1715, to serve as the seat of the 8th Druk Desi. It is among the oldest temples in Thimphu, and an important national heritage site. The lhakhang suffered extensive damage due to the September 2011 earthquake.
Renovation works commenced in 2013, implemented by the division for conservation of heritage sites of the ministry of home and cultural affairs, with the Royal support and guidance of Her Majesty Gyalyum Tshering Yangdoen Wangchuck.
The renovation work was based on drawings of the lhakhang by Samuel Davis, who visited Bhutan in 1783, and archaeological findings, to determine the size and style of the original, larger structure which had later been made smaller.
Renovation works included enlarging the lhakhang, adding a shakhor, and cleaning and restoring the main Buddha statue, Choeten Deshey-gyed, and wall paintings in the lhakhang.
The lhakhang is dedicated to His Majesty The King.