The absence of the text has been causing ill omens say village elders
Religion: The main text (Tsalee) of a set of religious text or Gongdu patis belonging to Wangdue Goenpa in Komatha, Sha Kazhi gewog, has been missing for the past 37 years.
Many lhakhangs possess Gongdu patis but the one at Wangdue Goenpa was considered most sacred.
The late Dilgo Khyentse rinpoche learnt of that Gongdu text around 36 years ago and intended to make copies of the text. Rinpoche has sent former drangpon, Adap Chado (who was then a clerk) to get the texts. The people of Komatha even helped to reach the texts to the motor road.
Retired Dzongkha lopen, Rinzin Phub, who is from Sha-Komatha said three decades later when he was serving as a teacher at Dechencholing in Thimphu, he met the late former minister Tamshing Jagar.
“When I asked about the Gongdu texts, Lyonpo told me that the original Gongdu-texts are in Delhi and they were about to complete making several copies of the text,” he said. The former minister agreed to return the original and also provide a copy of the Gongdu text to the Wangdue Goenpa.
Two months later, both original and a copy of Gongdu texts were indeed sent to the lhakhang. However, it was found that the main text of the 12 Gongdu texts (Tsalee) was missing.
Lopen Rinzin Phub said Tsalee is the main essence of the Gongdu-Patis. The Tsalee consists of prayers on how to stop or bring rain, blessings for children, crops, and wealth, among others. Only highly qualified lams and monks can recite the text as a result of the way it is written and worded.
Following a letter sent by the late minister to the Late Dilgo Khyentse rinpoche’s secretary, lopen Nidup, a search was conducted for the missing text in the rinpoche’s library but it was not found.
Further attempts were made by lopen Nidup and the person who transported the text to and from Delhi was even questioned but to no avail. Lopen Nidup found a photocopy of Tsalee text and sent it to the Wangdue Goenpa through Lopen Rinzin.
Village elders say that ever since, ill omens have plagued Komatha.
Wangdi Goenpa
Wangdi Goenpa is the Densa (residence) to Lama Choeji Yeshey Nidup, who is believed to be the out-of-wedlock son of Yab Tempai Nima, the father of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel.
He lived during the era of Wangdue Dzongpon Angduk-Nim and was renowned for extraordinary miracles, according to lopen Rinzin Phub. It is believed that the dzongpon once called all lams in Wangdue to display their powers. Choeji Yeshey Nidup performed a Tojab and displayed a Torma (ritual cakes) in flames. From then on he was considered a great Trulku said lopen Rinzin Phub.
Three stones in the middle of Tsho Pangchay, which is about a day’s walk from Wangdue Goenpa, was also believed to have installed by Lama Choeji Yeshey Nidup who meditated there.
Following this, Lama Cheoji Yeshey Nidup considered writing a Gongdu. That particular evening, nine gomchens visited the lhakhang. The gomchens asked for shelter for the night, and the nap (owner) asked them to stay below the lhakhang.
The next day, the nap went to check on the gomchens but found the place empty except for the Gongdu patis that had been left behind.
The gomchens, according to Lopen Rinzin, was believed to be Gongdu-lha-Gu (Nine- Gongdu-Bodhisattvas) who visited the lhakhang disguised as gomchens (lay monks)to write the Gongdu patis.
Dawa Gyelmo, Wangdue