Weringla drungkhag in Mongar is in need of engineers and accountant to deliver better service to the people.

Local leaders in the drungkhag raised the issue at the recent dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) session and requested the dzongkhag administration to deploy the officials at the earliest.

They reasoned that with the officials, people travel more than 100kms to the dzongkhag to avail accounts and engineering services.

Local leaders also claim that without civil engineers and accountants in the drunkhag, quality of construction gets compromised and accounts related works deferred.

The drungkhag officials say that although they submitted the proposal to the dzongkhag to deploy the officials, nothing has been done so far.

Silambi gup, Dorji Wangchuk, said as there are many developmental activities going on, the drungkhag is facing an acute shortage of people.

He said the drunkhag is in need of an engineer, an education officer and a land record officer.

Gongdu gup, Dorji Tshering, said two gewogs are also in need of an accountant and an engineer.

The drungpa, Tashi Tenzin, said if there were enough manpower in the drungkhag, there would be equal socio-economy development like other dzongkhags.

He said that while some drungkhags have the required human resource, Weringla lacks the most needed officials.

The drungpa said that the gewog centre roads in the drungkhag are also not blacktopped and some remote villages do not have electricity and motorable road.

Mongar dzongkhag’s assistant finance officer, Tshering Yangdon, said if the drungkhag administration has Internet and banking service, there would not be any problem deploying an accountant.

The dzongkhag engineering section also supported and decided to send engineers to the drungkhag.

Tashi Phuntsho | Mongar
