The public debates for the candidates of the two political parties ended yesterday. And it ended well.
At a time when the political parties and party supporters are going wild, stepping beyond the boundaries of the election rules and regulations to win the last vote from the constituencies, such debates as we witnessed yesterday are redeeming features of our young democracy.
The people are tired, not of the democratic process, but because of the ways developments leading up to the maturity of democracy is unfolding. There will always be political parties offering better choices to the people. And there are party workers that bring in the mess mostly.
In Bumthang yesterday, the two candidates showed debates could be given some dignity because there are people watching them. In the end, it is about the health of the nation that both the political parties fought for. Candidates were ready to back down for the sake of the nation. That’s the kind of political evolution Bhutan has hoped for.
As a small and vulnerable nation, division is the last thing we can afford. Those individuals and powerhouses that are trying to play into the depth of the game should feel ashamed because Bhutan is not fighting to divide the nation but to unite and prosper in sunnier side of the street.
The debate between the candidates of South Thimphu made the nation feel that this election matters all the more to the country and the people. The gist of the argument was that the political parties would never let the nation down whatever the case. Only they see and put the perspectives differently. That is why we have space for debate among the political parties and candidates.
The conclusion of public debates was such a breather to the nation because it gave the people a moment to sit down and think. Unnecessary encroachment will only contribute to greater division.
We have arrived at a time when no one knows who is using whom to gain whatever there is to be taken wholly for whatever reasons. The people know the best.
The real danger that is waiting is that the people could lose trust and confidence in the whole political process. That is exactly what the nation doesn’t want.