Choki Wangmo | Tsirang
The recent windstorm on the night of October 24 triggered by cyclonic storm Sitrang affected 36 households in Rangthangling gewog in Tsirang.
The heavy windstorm damaged cash crops, temporary sheds, houses, paddy, and vegetables. There were no reports of human or livestock casualties.
The gewog administration completed the damage assessment yesterday.
According to the assessment, Rangthangling-Charingma, Nimazor, and Darchagang chiwogs had the highest number of affected households.

Rangthangling-Charingma, Nimazor, and Darchagang chiwogs suffered the heaviest damage
A total of eight acres of bean and paddy were damaged. A house and four low-cost greenhouses were destroyed by the windstorm.
Rangthangling Gewog formerly known as Chaunetai is four kilometres away from Damphu. Residents depend on major cash crops such as maize, rice, millet, mandarin, onion, cardamom, and ginger.
Many parts of the 12 gewogs reported small-scale damage to their crops, most prominently paddy.
Two households in Sergithangtoed chiwog in Sergithang gewog reported heavy damage, with one household losing 70 percent of their paddy harvest.
People have started harvesting their paddy recently.
Without a functional crop insurance scheme, farmers are doubtful about the compensation for the loss.
The National Council in June last year unanimously recommended budget allocation for crop and livestock compensation to farmers.
Established in 2017, the endowment fund to compensate farmers for crop and livestock damage caused by natural calamities stood at Nu 90.865 million as of March 31, 2021. The fund, which is parked at the current deposit account maintained with the Bank of Bhutan is yet to be operationalised.
However, last December, the Public Accounts Committee said that the Ministry of Finance was unable to provide financial support for the national crop and livestock insurance scheme.