Nima | Gelephu
A windstorm damaged more than 50 structures in Nangkor, Bardo, and Phangkhag gewogs in Zhemgang at around 3.45pm yesterday.
Nangkor gewog reported the most severe damages with 35 households reporting total damage to roofs.
More than 10 households suffered minor damages, according to gewog officials.

A house in Bardo lost its entire roof
Local government officials said that the affected families were moved to safety and provided temporary relief with support from desuups and tshogpas. They were also provided relief materials by the dzongkhag, according to Zhemgang Dzongdag Chimi Dorji.
The officials from the dzongkhag and gewogs were in the field providing relief materials and helping people move to safer places after the windstorms subsided.
The dzongkhag has mobilised a group of four desuups who would be sent to other gewogs for relief efforts. All affected families in Buli were provided with the required support from the dzongkhag and gewog administrations.
Around 11 households living in temporary and permanent structures in Langdurbi, Bardo gewog were damaged by the windstorm.
The affected families were provided with temporary relief support with the help of gewog officials in the field and temporary tents pitched with the help of materials borrowed from the locals.
Mangmi, Tshering Tenzin, said the affected families were provided temporary relief support.
“We thought it might rain and we helped pitch tents for the affected families as we wait for the relieve materials from the dzongkhag,” he said.
The damages were reported from four gewogs in Zhemgang as of yesterday evening.
Meanwhile, around the same time, a tree fell on the Sarpang-Gelephu highway blocking it for more than two hours. Some commuters used alternate routes from Dechenpelri.
Residents nearby the highway said the tree fell in the evening and they were left without a power supply for some hours.
The windstorms also caused minor damages to farmers in Samtenling, greenhouse structures were blown off and crops damaged.