A 32-year old woman from Mongar has filed a case at the Gelephu drungkhag court alleging Tsirang police and a woman of charging her of theft and thereby defaming her.
In her complaint letter, the woman alleged that Tsirang police arrested her without any investigation or witnesses.
She charged the other woman from Samtenling, Sarpang, for defamation.
The mother-of two alleged that she was travelling to Gelephu in a bus from Thimphu on September 13. When the bus reached Tsirang, the other woman who was travelling in the same bus alleged that she had stolen her money.
She claimed that police took her to the station and interrogated her. She was allegedly asked to remove her clothes and the content of her bags checked.
All this while, her children, aged nine months and seven years, were kept in the bus. She was released as she only had Nu 250 with her.
She claimed that she was so traumatised that she came to her senses only when the bus reached halfway between Tsirang and Sarpang.
The next day, she went to Gelephu police station to complain about the incident.
On the second visit, she claimed that she was advised to file a case.
Staff Reporter