Staff reporter
Her Majesty the Queen Mother Tseyring Pem Wangchuck, who is the president of Youth Development Fund (YDF), and Her Royal Highness Ashi Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck, the vice president of YDF, will launch the ‘Water is Happiness’ movement at the Royal Bhutan Embassy in New Delhi today.
At the event, where officials, wellwishers, supporters and friends from Bhutan, India and the region will attend, YDF will host a friend and fundraising gala dinner themed ‘Water is Happiness’, the premise being that human happiness is interminably linked to good water resource management.
According to a press release from YDF, the event thus draws attention to a looming issue – the impact of climate change on water resources and how it affects the livelihood and happiness of people.
“A personal initiative of Her Majesty, the ‘Water for Happiness’ movement advocates that sustainable water management must be a collective effort involving young people, government institutions, civil society organizations and corporations,” it stated. “Children and youth are our future, and their practices and attitude towards water resources will be crucial in determining sustainable management of water resources.”
The press release also stated that the YDF aspires, through this project, to enthuse good water use practices and to make young people champions of water management for a greener and brighter tomorrow.
To address the need for a better understanding of water management conservation, a yearlong ‘Water is Happiness’ campaign will be launched at the dinner.
While raising awareness on water related issues, the event will also raise funds to support programs that address water and livelihood issues for the communities living downstream of the Himalayan water riparian systems.
The YDF in Bhutan has various flagship projects that enhance livelihood through sustainable management of water resources. YDF will create awareness, support youth to promote their community -based projects and develop enterprising ideas in the areas of sustainable management of water resources.