It has been three week since the start of the academic in the new college in Yonphula and the new management is yet to take over.
Sherubtse College has been functioning as the project implementation unit as directed by education ministry’s executive order. Majority of the staff of the new college are from Sherubtse College.
A student said that most of the time staff are not available. “Most of them are usually at Sherubtse College attending meetings,” she said. “An independent institution requires an independent management for it to function efficiently. I hope the problem will be addressed soon.”
The acting dean of academic affairs, Tshering Thinley, said the college is a separate institution but until further directives, Sherubtse will look after its administration.
The college also lacks proper drinking water. Tshering Thinley said that although there is no major drinking water shortage at the campus, the recent monsoon has resulted in poor quality of water that is not fit for drinking.
He said that a budget of about Nu 1 million has been allocated to procure books for the college. “We have procured almost 90 percent of essential texts required for this semester. As per the RUB guidelines certain numbers of students are allocated with a single reference book.”
With the academic block at the new college still under construction, classes are being conducted at the conference room of the administrative block. “Given the number of students we have currently, it is comfortable,” said Tshering Thinley. the project management team would conduct a meeting to discuss the deadline for the administrative block as the contractors have requested for extension of the construction, he added.
Tshering Thinley said the college would need to build human resource capacity to function independently. “We would require two more faculties by next semester. Human resource issue in other departments also need to be looked into.”
Currently there are 10 staff at the college. A total of 32 teachers are pursuing their MA English at the college.
Younten Tshedup | Kanglung