A Bus Information System (BIS), which consists of installing two automatic bus information display and on-board bus equipment for 10 city buses in Thimphu was launched yesterday in Thimphu, a press release from the National Environment Commission Secretariat (NECS) stated.
The Assistant Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT, Government of Republic of Korea, Byung-Seon Jeong, and agriculture minister and Vice-Chair of NEC, Yeshey Dorji launched the pilot project.
NECS and the Green Technology Centre, the focal agency of the South Korea have been coordinating and facilitating with sectors on needs of technology support since 2015. The ministry of science and ICT, which is the national designated agency agreed to support Bhutan with a pilot project on BIS for Thimphu City. The BIS is part of Intelligent Transport System, which has been prioritised as the one of the top three technologies required in the transport sector, the press release stated.
To strengthen cooperation between two NDEs to support Bhutanese sectors on technologies, capacity building and other areas, a memorandum of understanding was also signed yesterday.
Staff Reporter