Badminton: Forty students from three schools are taking part in a weeklong badminton coaching camp at Damphu lower secondary school, the first to be held in Tsirang.

Students between five to 12 years from Rangthaling, Damphu lower secondary school and Damphu higher secondary school are learning the basics of the sport. The camp ends on July 12.

National badminton coach Dorji said that the main objective of the program is to keep the youth engaged during their vacation and also to teach them the basics of badminton.

“Badminton is not an adult game and it is important for a person to learn at a young age,” he said.

The lack of equipment in schools is the main deterrent in making children learn the sport.

“I brought 50 numbers of racket and 20 barrels of shuttle cocks,” he said.

The Bhutan Olympic Committee and Bhutan Badminton Federation supported the event.
