In a most commendable move, the education ministry will review the school curriculum at the national level.
We appreciate that the education ministry has taken the public criticism of its curriculum constructively. We must applaud the ministry’s decision to even open up the review process to those outside the education sector. The ministry is indeed setting an example of how government and public can work together in bringing about change.
All this may not have become possible if the National Council chairperson, Dasho (Dr) Sonam Kinga had not found errors ranging from spelling and grammar, to even facts in some of the textbooks being used in the schools.
Many teachers had also found errors earlier and had made corrections themselves, but it was the chairperson who brought the issue into the limelight and got the ball rolling on this national review.
For that we’re grateful. Our children will have better quality text books.
Once the review process is opened to the public, it is our duty as citizens, guardians, parents, and media professionals to also look at these textbooks and make sure they are of the best quality in terms language and facts, for the short term.
For the long term, experts in their relative fields can assist by reviewing the textbooks not only on language and factual accuracy but also on designing content that is relevant for the present and the foreseeable future.
How the education ministry opens up the review process to the public is not yet known. However, it would easier if the entire process is brought online so that the text books are easily accessible and suggestions or corrections easily posted for others to see. That way, discussions can occur and our subject experts and educationists will have a wider and richer pool of thoughts to choose from.
It is discomforting that many of our children may have been brought up going through such error-riddled resources. We hope that the review process will remain a transparent and inclusive process for all times to come.