Kuzuzangpo La, or dare I say I hope all of you readers are having a good day!
My name is Prince and without wanting to be too self-indulgent or showing off publicly in a national newspaper, I do think that I look the part.
Mind you, I didn’t always look that good as neither of my fellow dogs at the shelter did. I had hit rock bottom after falling on hard times. I was still a young pup at the time and I was lucky enough to be spotted and rescued by truly nice and generous people (Hi there Thinley! How are you doing old boy?).
They picked me up despite my ragged looks and I dare say rather disgusting smell and drove me all the way up to the shelter in their brand new car despite the risk of me vomiting all over the seats. It turns out I just needed a good bath, a good trim, three weeks of rich heathy food in abundance on top of deworming, flee treatment and scabies prophylactic to look like the VIP you can see in my snapshot.
Jokes aside, I am in fact a very low maintenance young dog ready to join my new home and become the best doggy in the world. And if people say I look good, I know that I didn’t get my name because of my advantageous physic! I am always trying to be fair and square, go and break off fights and sides with the bullied and the weakest ones when they need my help. That’s why I got my name. The humans here think me smart, elegant and beautiful inside and I have to agree with them: Generosity, kindness and compassion are what makes me a prince, not the shine of my coat, my big golden eyes or my aristocratic demeanor.
Please come visit me and my friends at the shelter. I will give you the VIP tour and who knows you might want to take me back home with you! I promise I won’t dirty your car or vomit on the seats. I am a well-behaved dog and no doubt you will look good with me by your side.