Coinciding with the launch of its regional office in Paro on December 21, Bhutan Kuen-Nyam Party (BKP) chose Singye Namgyel (PhD) to contest in the upcoming parliamentary elections from Khar-Yurung constituency in Pemagatshel.
The 57-year-old from Khar contested as a Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) candidate in the 2013 elections. He worked in the civil service for 32 years during which he served as director general of Sherubtse College, dean of academic affairs in Paro College of Education and joint director of the non-formal and continuing education division in the education ministry.
Singye Namgyel is the founder of Youth-in-Agriculture Programme and now runs the Thimphu-based Thuksey Research and Consultancy. He has a PhD in Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education and a Masters in Education with Honours in Socio-Linguistics from University of New England, Australia.
He is a recipient of the Druk Thuksey during the Silver Jubilee Coronation of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo on June 2, 1999. He was recognised for innovation in education for devising Braille Keys to write Dzongkha for visually impaired students.
“Although I wanted to stay quiet and out of public life, I realised that sometimes I do not have control over my own life. As always, I am inspired by the Command of His Majesty the King,” he said.
He said that he chose BKP, as it is the party that stands for “neutrality, resilience, corruption free system, clean politics, beyond five years and beyond self.”
He said that with BKP as a platform, he believes he will be able to contribute to some of the larger national causes outlined by the Throne. “What I do will always be guided by the wisdom of the Throne with particular reference to security and international relations.”
Staff reporter