Nim Dorji | Trongsa

With the first reported positive case of COVID-19 in the country, Bumthang dzongkhags initiated various activities to prevent it.

According to dzongdag Passang Dorji, sensitisation was conducted for the staff of Bathpalathang domestic airport, hoteliers, drayangs, karaoke, taxi operators, police and their families, regional heads, sector heads, gups and the shopkeepers of Chamkhar town.

The sensitisation was on the importance of washing hand, avoiding mass gathering and to refrain from spreading false or fake news.

“We have activated incident command system and shared important phone numbers in case of emergency,” the dzongdag said.

Awareness was also conducted in Tharpaling, Kharchu, Kenchosum, Tamshing and Jakar dratshangs and the nunnery.

Passang Dorji also said a flu clinic was set up in front of Wangdicholing hospital and quarantine centre at Dekiling. “We also informed the public not to panic and stay calm and follow health instructions.”

The public was urged to keep hand sanitiser in convenient places and use frequently. Schools were instructed to develop and implement standard operating procedures to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 in their respective schools.

The shopkeepers were informed not to hike up the prices on the essential goods, hand sanitiser and facemask.

The people were asked to treat foreigners with respect.

Meanwhile, the patient who was suspected to have been infected by COVID-19 and quarantined in Trongsa hospital was discharged after the result from the Royal Centre for Disease Control (RCDC) came negative.

The 23-year-old man was recently back in the country from Bahrain.

He visited the hospital with cough and a mild fever on March 7, where he was suspected with the infection and blood sample was sent for testing.

It was learnt that the patient will be kept under self-quarantine for 14 days and has to report if any further symptoms surface.
