Chhoekhor-Tang debate for the people of Bumthang was serious.

Reporting from the grassroots, it is this: a few elderlies gathered at a restaurant were listening to every point and argument the candidates made.

“It will be a tough fight this year,” a resident of Chamkhar said.

While the enthusiasm and excitement were vivid in their eyes, politics is not an open topic for discussion in Bumthang. People hesitate to share their views and express their support openly, except for the coordinators and few allies.

But Bumthaps have decided.

As for the poll day, the election officials are all prepared with the end of refreshers course.

Bumthang has 19 polling stations, the furthest being Shingkhar, which is about an hour drive.

Some 96 polling officials were trained including the 4 counting officials who would be stationed in the counting centre. The rest would be deployed in the respective polling stations early morning today. This is excluding the 57 security personnel.

Bumthang Dzongdag Passang Dorji said a vigorous voter education and awareness was carried out and that everything was in the smooth.

The dzongkhag has also not come across any complaints and disputes.

Tshering Dorji | Bumthang
