Restoration: Monks of Chebaygang Lhakhang, Khotakha, Wangdue will no longer have to worry about spending nights in the lhakhang that is on the verge of coming down. The government has sanctioned funds and decided to start reconstruction works soon.
Believed to have been built by the third reincarnation of Nyizer Trulku Choeki Nima during the times of Desi Jigme Namgyel in late 1800s, the lhakhang was founded by Nagchung Yupa Lingpa.
Lopen Sonam of Nyizergang and Chebaygang Lhakhang Lobdra said the 2011 earthquake hit the already old two-storey structure. The lhakhang’s walls and the Guru Statue suffered major cracks.
He said Chebaygang Lhakhang is a summer resident of some 30 monks and Nyizergang Lhakhang is winter resident. Both the lhakhangs are Je Nyizer Trulku’s residence.
Lopen Sonam said the lobdra was instituted in 2005-2006 after the death of Je Nyizer Trulku as per his aspiration. When the lhakhang was struck by earthquake in 2011, except during summer Bumdhey times, monks stay in Nyizegang Lakhang during summer. During important occasions, the monks have to travel early morning to Chebaygang from Nyizegang.
Following the earthquake, the Department of Culture’s division of conservation of heritage sites in July 2014 has compiled an assessment report of the lhakhang. The report stated that the lhakhang was last renovated about four decades ago by Je Thinley Lheundrup. The lhakhang’s structure received significant changes and is also believed that the giant statue of Guru Rinpochhe was built during that time.
It was later renovated by Je Thinley Lheundrup, which resulted in various changes.
Lopen Sonam said that although they are not sure about the approved budget for the renovation works, they have started with timber collection works. “We heard that around Nu 4 million has been approved for the lhakhang,” he said. “We were told the renovations works would start soon this year.”
The assessment report also stated that severity of damages to the structure through site inspection and visual study, reconstruction of the whole structure with necessary changes was seen as the best option. The structure has already seen major changes during the renovation carried out about four decades ago. However, major portion of the timber components can be reused, specially the roof parts.
According to Chebaygang Lam, the Royal grandmother, Gyalyum Kezang Choden Wangchuck has consented to fund the construction of the Guru statue.
Meanwhile, a Malaysia-based lama, Kakusand Jitchaipoka, who was on his fourth visit to the country, also paid
Dawa Gyelmo, Wangdue